November update from Sam

Hi members,

As many of you will know, I have been flying around the UK for the last two and a half months and am now back in Madeira. So, things have been a little quiet, not that we can do much with the situation at present.

I am in the throws of organising a dinner this month and will post it onto the site and to Facebook, I will also send out a mail chimp for those who are not on social media. As always you are welcome to bring friends along or people who would be interested in what we are doing. This next dinner will be our first one since February. It has been difficult to put something together when people have such opposing opinions about get togethers, but I think we are all adult enough to make our own choices about socialising. For those who are not ready yet, we all understand and look forward to seeing you when you do. The dinner will obviously be formatted quite differently to the previous ones. We will have reduced capacity and tables set to 5. All details on this are to follow.

Whilst away, I have been sent some important information about IHIC cards and updates from the British Embassy which I will update the Citizens Rights page at some point this week. Tig from British in Portugal has been keeping the Madeira Active facebook page updated as well.

A note to AL owners (those of you who hold an AL licence for renting a holiday home)…there have been a few changes whilst I was away. Please do join our Madeira Active AL owners Alliance facebook group if you would like to be in touch with other owners where we share information. If there is enough interest I may hold a workshop, given that there are new and complicated procedures now thrust upon us, should we receive guests who test positive for Covid.

And finally a massive apology if I made a promise to put something onto the site for you…..whilst in the UK I literally had no time at the computer and was incredibly busy. Now back, I hope to catch up and get everything on that should have been.

Hope you are all keeping well and look forward to seeing some of you later in the month.






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