Membership Terms and Conditions

Here we have a standard set of Terms and Conditions, that reflect the same in the group on Facebook. Premium members accept to abide by them. Admin has the right to terminate membership to anyone who flouts the following conditions:


  • Be Kind and Courteous: In the areas where members can communicate openly within the website, all posts must be free of foul language. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and non judgemental opinions are required. Anyone being abusive toward another member will be instantly banned. Membership fees will not be refunded.


  • No Hate speech or bullying: Degrading comments such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.


  • Respect everyones’ privacy: Being part of this website requires mutual trust. Whatever is shared, may also be sensitive and private, therefore, what is shared in the site amongst members should be respected and not shared outside the site.


  • Relevant posted material: The website is for members who live, stay or have an affiliation with Madeira. Going off topic in the member chat areas will be deleted by admin if deemed inappropriate.


  • No promotions, advertising or spam: Self promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed. To advertise – contact admin.


  • Madeira Active events: Only events organised by Madeira Active can be promoted on this site unless authorised by admin. The monthly dinners, coffee drop in’s and themed events are organised on a non profit basis. Madeira Active does not accept responsibility for any member or non member who attends an event in the case of injury, death or loss of personal effects.


  • Madeira Active does not endorse our advertisers and therefore cannot accept responsibility should services or complaints not be met by those promotors.


  • Admin reserves the right to refuse a membership application, and will refund the membership fee if paid before being vetted. Membership fees are not refunded if a member flouts any of the above rules and is removed from the site regardless of the length of time they have been a member.