The Government Council, meeting in plenary session, took a series of the following decisions, transcribed below, in full:

Approve a resolution that determines the following measures to apply to the services and bodies of the direct, indirect public administration and the business sector in the Region, as of May 4, 2020:

1. All measures associated with combating the pandemic of COVID-19 are extended until May 15, which currently have a maximum period of execution and are effective on April 30 (namely those contained in Resolutions No. 161/2020, of April 3, No. 197/2020, of April 14, and No. 205/2020, of April 17, as well as the measures of Resolution No. 149/2020, of March 30, 2020) , except those relating to the civil construction sector, whose exercise of activity currently follows the rules set out in the annex to Resolution No. 208/2020, of April 18.

2. Maintain the exceptional and temporary regime of providing work on a continuous basis, from 10 am to 4 pm, giving preference whenever possible to the use of teleworking, in order to ensure, at all times, that the maximum occupancy of the facilities organism does not exceed 50% of its capacity.

3. The provisions of the previous number do not apply to workers who, for health reasons, confirmed by the Health Authority, or as a result of the application of the Contingency Plan of each organism, must be protected from potential risks of contagion, so as not to aggravate the your pre-existing clinical situation.

4. Workers who have requested a waiver for childcare are also exempted from the provisions of paragraph 1, provided for in article 22 of Decree-Law no. 10-A / 2020, of 13 March.

5. The workers referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 must remain in a teleworking regime whenever their functions permit.

6. It is the responsibility of the top manager of each body to identify the work teams and their allocation to the workplace, the application model of the fixed work blocks determined, with or without rotation, or even to adapt the determinations contained in this Resolution to the specificities and other special contingencies of the functioning of the organism they manage, provided that it guarantees the principle contained in the final part of its number 1.

7. Limitations on public attendance are maintained, which should only be carried out in urgent and urgent situations and which cannot be carried out by electronic means or in person.

8. Without prejudice to other acts that the service managers may consider urgent when there are conditions to provide the service, only the services and acts identified by the member of the Regional Government of each sectorial area will be subject to face-to-face service, being this information made available on the Regional Government Portal.

9. In order to guarantee and comply with the safety distance between people, the number of citizens who may be within the facilities of public services intended for care should be limited to one third of their capacity, with the person in charge of each agency or service determining the specific number of people admitted, according to the recommendations of the Regional Health Authority.

10. For workers who provide services to the public, the use of a mask will be mandatory.

11. In face-to-face service, payments should preferably be made electronically.

12. It is incumbent upon each member of the Regional Government to inform, by electronic means, the Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government and Parliamentary Affairs about which public service services in their department are operating in a conditional or suspended manner or during normal operating hours. .

13. The measures referred to in this Resolution shall not apply to workers in the health and civil protection services, as well as to all workers indispensable to ensure the maintenance of essential public services.

– Declare the situation of calamity in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, under the terms of article 8 of Regional Legislative Decree no. 16/2009 / M, of 30 June, which approves the legal regime of the Civil Protection System of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, for public health reasons with the scope of containing the pandemic COVID-19, whose material, temporal and territorial scope is set out in the following provisions.

In this sense, it was decided to determine the confinement, if necessary compulsorily, for a period of fourteen days, of all persons and their luggage that disembark at the Airports and Ports of Madeira and Porto Santo, with the exception of the patients being treated and those who disembark in Ports for professional reasons, under the terms defined by joint order of the Vice-President of the Regional Government and Parliamentary Affairs, the Regional Secretary for Health and Civil Protection and the Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture, which determines the conditions of home confinement, and the confinement in the hotel units that are requested, as well as all the measures that seem convenient and adequate for a good execution of the said confinement, namely,the imposition of the obligation to carry out medical examinations and complete inquiries regarding the health conditions of each person and the conditions of the respective home, requested by the competent health authorities.

The confinement provided for in the previous point will be carried out at the home of each person, if the person has a home in Madeira or Porto Santo and has been tested for COVID-19 disease, in laboratories certified by national or international authorities, within the previous 72 hours. landing, and has obtained a negative result. If you do not have a domicile in Madeira or Porto Santo, confinement is carried out in hotel units, which are requested through a joint ordinance issued by the Vice President of the Regional Government and Parliamentary Affairs, the Regional Secretary for Health and Civil Protection and the Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture.

Such declaration also determines that all people are obliged to comply with the guidelines issued by the competent health authorities and to comply with and cooperate with the measures provided for in this Resolution.

Disobedience to a legitimate order or order issued by the health authority established under this Resolution causes the respective offenders to commit the crime of disobedience provided for and punished under the terms of article 348 of the Penal Code, pursuant to article 16 Of Decree-Law no. 82/2009, of 2 April, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 135/2013, of 4 October, and of article 11 by virtue of no. 4 of article 6 of Law no. 27/2006, of 3 July, amended and republished by Law no. 80/2015, of 3 August, which approves the Basic Law for Civil Protection.

The implementation of the provisions of this Resolution is coordinated and monitored by the competent Health and Civil Protection Authorities, which are now authorized to request the collaboration of the security forces, as well as the use of human and material resources from the public administration. regional.

The regime established in this Resolution is of an exceptional nature and is subject to constant evaluation by the competent authorities, and may be subject to review, should the circumstances that underlie its determination change.

This Resolution takes effect at 12:00 am on May 3, 2020 and remains in force for a period of fifteen days.

– Authorize, under the legislation in force, the realization of the expense inherent to the contract «Contingency COVID 19 – Emergency Interventions 2: Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça – Expansion of Urgencies», up to the amount of 1,500,000.00 euros, without VAT.

– Authorize the signing of a Protocol with the HMI – Investimentos Habitacionais da Madeira, EPERAM, allocating for this purpose a financial support that will not exceed the maximum amount of € 1,090,000.00 (one million and ninety thousand euros).

The purpose of this protocol is to provide financial support in the form of compensatory allowance to cover the measure implemented by the Regional Government of temporary exemption from the payment of rents or fees for the months of April, May and June of this year, of the living spaces and non-housing, leased, concessioned, assigned for consideration or under surface rights, as well as loan installments within the scope of the Degraded Property Recovery Program (PRID), applicable to the HMI, EPERAM, as a creditor of values ​​that fit there , in a measure to support Madeiran families of undeniable social merit.

– Decide that public transport operators may return to collect onboard tickets as of next Monday, May 4.

It also deliberately decided, on an exceptional basis, to extend the deadline for the acquisition of social passes until May 8, with the aim of avoiding concentration at the points of sale.

In view of the needs inherent to the controlled reopening of various economic activities, the Governing Council decided that buses should run with 50% of their capacity.

The Government Council asks operators to strongly recommend users to wear a mask, thus protecting their health and the health of other users and drivers.

– Approve the Regional Regulatory Decree that sets the standard square meter value for the construction industry at 745.00 € (seven hundred and forty-five euros) for the year 2020.

– Renew the contract — a program with Start Up Madeira, for the value of 349,500 euros, the same amount that had been attributed in 2019. This resolution takes into account the relevance of Start Up Madeira as a fundamental instrument for the Region’s strategy in matters of innovation and entrepreneurship, especially at a time of crisis, which requires boldness, commitment, the ability to innovate and create.

– Approve 17 PRAD 2019/2020 Sports Development Program Contracts (CPDD), for a total amount of € 821,614.79, relating to support for travel by Sports Limited Companies (SAD) and regional sports clubs;

– Express a Vow of Regret for the death of Dr. Jorge Filipe Garcês Atouguia and present the most mourning condolences to the bereaved family.

Dr. Jorge Filipe Garcês Atouguia provided relevant services to the Autonomous Region of Madeira, both in the direction of the Jaime Moniz Secondary School, and in the implementation of the Telescola – Distance Learning service, contributing with its dedicated and exemplary performance for the development of the Education in the Region.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of 8,710.00 € (eight thousand, seven hundred and ten euros), part of the land necessary for the work of “Reconstruction of ER 203 – Careers.

– Authorize expropriation, for the global amount of € 15,239.00 (fifteen thousand, two hundred and thirty-nine euros), a portion of the land necessary for the construction of the “Construction of the New Vasco Gil / Fundoa Connection – Quota 500 – 1st Phase”.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of € 4,533.00 (four thousand, five hundred and thirty-three euros), part of the land necessary for the construction of “Construction of Via Expresso Fajã da Ovelha – Ponta do Pargo”.

– Authorize expropriation, for the global amount of € 34,045.91 (thirty-four thousand, forty-five euros and ninety-one cents), a parcel of land necessary for the work on “Construction of the Via Expresso Fajã da Ovelha – Ponta do Pargo” .

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of 13,941.37 € (thirteen thousand, nine hundred and forty-one euros and thirty-seven cents), a parcel of land necessary for the work on “Construction of the Stabilization of ER 231 – Quinta Grande”.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of € 2,190.00 (two thousand one hundred and ninety euros), part of the land necessary for the work of “Canalização do Ribeiro da Corujeira (2nd phase) Monte.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the total amount of € 4,275.00 (four thousand two hundred and seventy-five euros), part of the land necessary for the construction of the “Construction of the Connection to Via Expresso in Porto da Cruz – Connection to Referta”.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of 15,607.16 € (fifteen thousand six hundred and seven euros and disgusting cents), part of the land necessary for the work on “Stabilization of the Hillside Over the Dr. João Abel de Freitas Tunnel – Nó dos Viveiros .

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of € 2,044.00 (two thousand forty-four euros), a parcel of land necessary for the work of “Reconstruction of ER 203 – Carreiras”, whose owners are: Anita Maria de Sá Miranda Teixeira and Francisco José de Sá Miranda.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of 19,067.31 € (nineteen thousand sixty-seven euros and thirty-one cents), a parcel of land necessary for the work on “Construction of the Via Expresso Fajã de Ovelha – Ponta do Pargo”, whose holders are: João Pereira Faulha married to Maria de La Salete Mendes Gouveia Faúlha.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the global amount of € 30,754.43 (thirty thousand seven hundred and fifty-four euros and forty-three cents), a parcel of land necessary for the work on “Construction of Via Expresso Boaventura – São Vicente”.

– Authorize the expropriation, for the total amount of € 27,127.50 (twenty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-seven euros and fifty cents), part of the land necessary for the work of “Reconstruction of ER 111 – section between Hotel Porto Santo and Calheta ”.

– Approve a resolution that authorizes the highlight – regularization of a plot of land, owned by the RAM, located on the Luzaão site, Jardim da Serra parish, Camara de Lobos Municipality – Jardim da Serra Primary School.

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