Beaches, masses and Madeira Wine Rally still under study

Beaches, masses and Madeira Wine Rally still under study

30 APR 2020 / 13:44 H.

The President of the Regional Government, who continues to respond to journalists in a video conference, admits that beaches and bathing complexes may open within a few weeks, but this will depend on the assessment that is made of the deflation measures and the rules that can be to reduce the risk of contagion.

Masses with faithful present are not yet authorized, but Miguel Albuquerque admits that this issue can be reviewed within a week.

Another specific issue concerns the buses that will continue to operate at 50% capacity and the use of a mask is mandatory.

The specific case of the Madeira Wine Rally, a test that has the support of the Regional Government, should be postponed, but the chief executive believes that it can be accomplished when the situation of the pandemic is more favorable.

Albuquerque also defends a lot of restraint in the reopening of schools, so as not to raise alarm among families and not to raise parents’ concerns.

In June, “if all goes well”, Albuquerque admits that the nurseries and school gardens can be opened.

The President of the Regional Government was also asked about measures to support companies and informed that, until this morning, more than 2,400 applications had already been submitted, reaching 76 million euros, from the 100 million support line.

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